This school year our students will participate in the NWEA MAP assessments. NWEA stands for the Northwest Evaluation Association, a non-profit educational services organization located in Portland, Oregon. NWEA provides research-based adaptive assessments and is committed to helping all students learn. As a result of the NWEA MAP tests, teachers can make informed decisions to promote your child's academic growth.
As Catholic educators, we believe the ability to deliver personal and individual instruction to each child in our care is vital to the mission of Catholic education. The MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) tests help us to do just that. Students will take three computerized, adaptive tests in Reading, Language Usage, and Mathematics. When taking a MAP test, the difficulty of each question is based on how well a student answers all the previous questions. As the student answers correctly, questions become more difficult. If the student answers incorrectly, the questions become easier. The computer adjusts the difficulty of the questions so that each student takes a unique test. The final score is an estimate of the students' achievement level.
Although the tests are not timed, it usually takes students about one hour to complete each MAP test. MAP for Primary tests take approximately 15 to 30 minutes. We will take the MAP test this fall and the again in the winter and spring.
MAP assessments help measure student growth. You may have a chart in your home on which you mark your child's height at certain times, such as on his or her birthday. It shows how much he or she has grown from one year to the next. MAP assessments do the same sort of thing, except they measure your child's growth in mathematics, reading, and language usage. Teachers use the results of these tests to understand students' strengths and weaknesses and to guide their instruction in the classroom. This ensures each child receives the support he or she needs.
As parents, you play a critical role in promoting your child's growth and overall well-being. As we continue to form young people as followers of Jesus Christ, we are confident that the information gained from this tool will quickly become invaluable to us as we honor the unique gifts and talents of each of our students, working daily to unleash their potential in new ways. As always, we thank you for your continued partnership and commitment to Catholic education.